Aug 01, 2019

security and privacy of social network users. Social network operators attempt to better protect their users by adding authentication processes to ensure that the registered user represents a real live person [9]. Many social network operators, like Facebook, also offer their users a configurable user privacy setting that enables users to secure Is Social Media a Serious Threat to Your Privacy Studies show that 68% of Facebook users do not understand the social network’s privacy settings. According to a 2011 report by MSNBC and the Ponemon Institute internet users feel they have less control over their personal information today than they did 5 years ago. New Research Study Shows That Social Media Privacy Might This obviously has social media privacy implications. In a base case scenario, a clever brand would be able to craft marketing messages customized for you, simply by analyzing the people in your network. Search engines would be able to deliver search results geared to specific people based on what their friends are saying. Fear of a Chinese social network -

Mar 27, 2018 · People worry about privacy and the use of their personal information While there is evidence that social media works in some important ways for people, Pew Research Center studies have shown that people are anxious about all the personal information that is collected and shared and the security of their data.

Using Trend Micro Security’s Privacy Scanner - Part 1 Many users of social networks don’t realize their identity data can be compromised when the privacy settings in their account are too lax. On Facebook, for example, you can determine who can see your stuff (for future posts, things you’re tagged in, and so on); who can contact you (friends, friends of friends, or everyone); and who can look you up (using the email address or phone number Teens, Social Media, and Privacy | Pew Research Center

Using Trend Micro Security’s Privacy Scanner - Part 1 Many users of social networks don’t realize their identity data can be compromised when the privacy settings in their account are too lax. On Facebook, for example, you can determine who can see your stuff (for future posts, things you’re tagged in, and so on); who can contact you (friends, friends of friends, or everyone); and who can look you up (using the email address or phone number Teens, Social Media, and Privacy | Pew Research Center May 21, 2013 New legislation is putting social networks in the