Aug 06, 2016 · I was asked if I could get the browsing history from the ISP as there is no equipment onsite that has any of this data stored. I called the ISP (Windstream) and was told that they do not store this information and that it would be illegal for them to do that as it would be an invasion of privacy. Now, much of what I read online says differently.

2. Even with HTTPS, ISPs can still see the domains that their subscribers visit. When a site does use HTTPS, the Upturn team explained that an “ISP cannot see the URLs and content in unencrypted I want to find the exact physical address of an IP There is no method of associating an exact physical geographical address or the computer associated with an IP address available to an end-user . If you'd like to report abuse by a person behind an IP address, contact local authorities or the ISP who is in control of that IP address. It is almost certain that they are. Not like they have a person on the payroll to spy on your activities specifically, but virtually all ISP’s (ALL in the USA) log your activity, and most (if not all) sell this to marketing firms, so that the mark If you are experiencing trouble with your network and/or getting your eero network online, you may want to contact your Internet Sevice Provider (ISP). If you need help identifying your ISP, you can look it up here. Some major ISPs include: Comcast (Phone: 1-800-934-6489) Time Warner Cable (Phone: 1-800-892-4357) Verizon (Phone: 1-800-837-4966) Mar 09, 2020 · An internet service provider (ISP) provides access to the internet.This access can be through a cable, DSL, or dial-up connection. All internet-connected devices run each request through an ISP to access servers where they can view web pages and download files.

Oct 25, 2019 · I want to find my real host id in order to register the PTC software using “ipconfig/all” in CMD, the ID should start with 00 or 08 but it isn’t ! Can you help me. Thanks Hossein. Jun 15, 2017 · Your IP address, subnet, gateway, and DNS are typically assigned by the modem or router that connects your broadband to you local area network. If no modem or router, your computer will auto generate IP and subnet.

However, if you find that even with a direct connection, you’re consistently getting slow speeds and your ISP hasn’t fixed it when you complain, you can file a complaint with the FCC.

ISP is an internet service provider. He probably meant your IP address. This leads me to believe he was probably lieing. Your IP is an adress unique to your internet connection, both for computers and webpages. Without specialized software, the most that would be possible in most cases is to find the general area of your service provider. Aug 31, 2013 · Fig.03: MS-Windows command to find out DNS server IP addresses In this example my DNS server is located at This one is used by my computer, and it was passed on to my computer by ISP modem / router. Method #3: Apple OS X or Unix / Linux Commands. Open the bash shell prompt and type the dig or host commands: